Concept and Study Protocol/Proposal Development

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of a well-constructed study title and its role in attracting attention and summarizing the main idea of the research.
  • Develop a clear and feasible research concept that addresses a relevant problem or gap in your field
  • Design a rigorous and ethical study protocol or proposal that follows the standards and guidelines of your discipline and funding agency
  • Apply both quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data
  • Write and present your research concept and protocol/proposal in a professional and persuasive manner
  • Learn how to write a concise and informative project summary that highlights the purpose of the study, the problem being investigated, the population involved, and the methods to be used.
  • Identify the key components of a research protocol, including investigators/collaborators, funding sources, and protocol date.
  • Gain knowledge and skills in conducting a literature review to provide background information and justify the need for the proposed study.
  • Learn how to formulate clear and specific aims, objectives, and hypotheses based on the research question and literature review.
  • Understand the importance of a conceptual or theoretical framework in guiding the research design and analysis

Course Importance

This course is important for students and working professionals who want to:

  • Enhance their research skills and knowledge in concept and protocol/proposal development
  • Increase their chances of obtaining funding and ethical approval for their research projects
  • Contribute to the advancement of science and society through high-quality research
  • Collaborate with other researchers and stakeholders in their fields

Course Modules

The course consists of four main modules, each with several subtopics and activities. The modules are:

Module 1: Developing a Research Concept

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Identify and refine a research topic that is relevant, original, and significant
  • Conduct a preliminary literature review to explore the existing knowledge and gaps on your topic
  • Formulate a research question that is clear, specific, and answerable
  • Develop a research objective that is aligned with your research question and purpose
Module 2: Designing a Study Protocol/Proposal

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Choose an appropriate research design that suits your research question and objective
  • Select and justify the sampling methods and sample size for your study
  • Describe and operationalize the variables and indicators for your study
  • Develop a data collection plan that specifies the sources, methods, and tools for data collection
  • Develop a data analysis plan that specifies the techniques and software for data analysis
  • Address the ethical issues and risks involved in your study
  • Prepare a budget and timeline for your study
Module 3: Applying Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Understand the strengths and limitations of quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Apply quantitative research methods such as surveys, experiments, and quasi-experiments to collect and analyze numerical data
  • Apply qualitative research methods such as interviews, focus groups, and observations to collect and analyze textual data
  • Use mixed methods to combine and integrate quantitative and qualitative data
  • Ensure the validity, reliability, and credibility of your data and findings
Module 4: Writing and Presenting a Research Concept and Protocol/Proposal

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Write a research concept paper that summarizes the main elements of your research idea
  • Write a study protocol or proposal that follows the format and requirements of your discipline and funding agency
  • Use effective language, style, and tone for academic writing
  • Cite and reference sources correctly and avoid plagiarism
  • Present your research concept and protocol/proposal to your supervisor, committee, or potential funders
  • Respond to feedback and questions on your research concept and protocol/proposal

Course Assessment

The course assessment will consist of:

  • A research concept paper on a topic of your choice, following the guidelines and criteria of the course
  • A study protocol or proposal on the same topic, following the format and requirements of your discipline and funding agency
  • A presentation of your research concept and protocol/proposal to your instructor and peers, using a rubric and feedback form
  • A reflection paper on your learning experience and outcomes from the course

Training Cost

The training cost for each module is US$50 per module of your choice. However, we offer discounts if you are interested in ALL modules. The cost is for full remote training, and it covers the tuition fees, learning materials, and certification. Those interested in physical training incur an additional US$25 to include meals and refreshments at the training venue. Further information will be provided upon inquiry.

Application Process

Applicants should complete the LERIS Course-Application-Form.

Personal Information Form

Appliction Form

Bio Data

Education and Qualification

Work Experience

Module(s) of Interest

Special Considerations

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